Tip 1. Attenuation, the worst enemy

If we use ADSL lines of 10 or up to 20 Mbps we will be greatly influenced by the attenuation of our telephone line. This parameter measures the loss of signal or power between the control unit and our router, taking into account that the greater distance from the control unit, the greater attenuation and thus lower synchronization speed and less stability/reliability of the line. But distance is not everything, as there are other reasons for attenuation like poor quality or damaged wiring and bad connections made both outside and inside our home.

Therefore, if we do not get our router to synchronize correctly at the contracted speed or suffer constant drops, we always recommend connecting it directly to the telephone box (PTR) that brings the line to the house or to the main connector.

If at this point we achieve higher synchronization speeds or better connection stability after some tests, it is clear that the problem is in the internal wiring of our home. We will have to check cables, connections in the boxes and so on.

Likewise, it is important to remember that with more than 3 microfilters on the same line we will have problems for the ADSL to work correctly, while its absence can also cause certain problems when connecting to the line devices such as alarms or faxes.

Tip 2. Different router, different speed

If we have an ADSL line of the fastest (those up to 20 Mbps), we must know that the speed of synchronization can vary from one router to another. This class of lines only link to the aforementioned 20 Mbps in case of ideal conditions of minimum attenuation. In practice it is normal to obtain speeds of between 12 and 18 Mbps, always depending on the speed that each router considers appropriate to synchronize the line in a stable way.

Here it is interesting to know that according to the line and model of the router we can find differences of 1 and 2 Mbps between different manufacturers. Some routers have more conservative firmwares (such as the models that operators give away to their customers, where fewer technical problems are sought), which synchronize something below the limits to ensure greater reliability.

Others, however, synchronize at the highest possible speed, although, if our line has oscillations in the attenuation by bad connections or bad wiring, we can suffer cuts or occasional drops.

Tip 3. Do we optimize the settings?

Many have questioned us on different occasions about possible adjustments that could be made in the configuration of the router to improve its performance or transfer speed.

In this sense, the truth is that the ADSL lines of each operator have their specific configuration parameters, and changing them will only stop the connection. Therefore, there are no adjustments to the router that we can simply change to increase or improve its performance.

Thus the best way would be to contact the provider and schedule a technician visit to your location where reasons for slow connection could be investigated.